Wednesday 30 May 2012

"I'm in love with the idea of falling in love, but not with the actual occurrence of it.  With a human, at least.  I can say that I fall in love on a daily basis - with the way shadows from the trees dance on the grass, with the smell and sight of spring blossoms, with the sound of a gentle breeze teasing the redwoods - I find it all romantic and inspiring.  But to fall in love with a person?  No thank you."

Sunday 13 May 2012

A Tribute

This is my grandma. Or Oma, which is the name I’ve known her by all my life. Today is her birthday. She’s 87 years young.

My Oma is an amazing woman. I can confidently say that I can count on one hand the number of women in my life that I have found to be such an incredible example and unceasingly inspiring to me. And Oma has to come at the top of that list.

Whenever I sit down and talk with her, such a myriad of subjects come up. She’ll tell me stories of her childhood in the old country (Germany). She’ll recount to me occasions of her life after moving to the States. And always, always, she will bring up God - what He’s spoken to her, what He’s done in her life, and just words of encouragement and extreme wisdom of things that she has learned in all her years of living.

The very fact that our conversations always drift towards God and who He is, is one of the greatest examples of just how incredible Oma is. In Luke 6.45 it states “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth that which is evil: for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” Basically, whatever you put into your heart, whatever you spend the majority of your time doing, watching, etc. is what will come up most in everyday conversation. And by speaking with my Oma, and God always coming up in our conversations, it truly shows what is in her heart.

But it’s more than that. Her life is just one example after another of obedience to God, her love for Him, and what it truly looks like to live for God. It’s not as if she’s gone through torture or years of suffering, but what she has been through, she has allowed her eyes to always be focused on the Lord and obey Him when He speaks to her.

If I will ever become half of the woman that she is, I would be more than blessed. I love you, Oma. And I’m so blessed to call you family. I look forward to the years we have together - both here on this earth, and in our eternal home. Thank you for being who you are; an incredible woman of faith, a loving mother and grandmother, an inspiration, example, and, well, you.

Happy Birthday.
I love you.