Tuesday 9 February 2021

 I'm laying on my bed on this typical chilly February night on the East Coast.  Thinking about nothing more than how I wish I would have written a post in January, to at least keep up to the minimum of one blog post a month.  But do you know what happens when you're mentally overwhelmed and life is pummelling you and everything feels pointless and hopeless?  That's right...no blog post.

That being said, I don't have a topic in mind to write about, really.  Although today in my "counselling" session (ha), one of the things brought up was the Law of Attraction.  "What?" you may ask "Isn't that where the more attractive you are, the more shit just gets handed to you?"  Well, while that's certainly a thing that happens, this is not that.
Essentially, the law of attraction is something to the effect of "like always attracts like."  It goes along the new age thinking of "if I think about (x) enough, I'll manifest it into existence."


While the law of attraction isn't really a thing (much less a law, as if), I understand the intent behind it.  Though not so much "think about this enough, and you'll will it to exist in your life," I think it's better to say "what I pay attention to, I'll start to notice."  Like when you suddenly think about red cars.  And then all of a sudden, you're seeing red cars everywhere.
It's really more about being aware of your thoughts, getting them in control, and choosing where to funnel your focus.

Am I aware of all the bad going on right now?  All the expectations that were conveyed, and unmet?  All the promises made, and broken?  All the things someone should be doing simply because they should be a responsible adult, and yet, they're not, and you're left feeling completely alone and on your own in, well, everything?  Yeah.  You're going to see that everywhere.
But hey, isn't it a thing that for every one, singular good experience, you remember four negative ones?  So where does that leave us?  Is it 'oh, I only ever experience negative things, and never good ones?'  Maybe, what it should be instead, is 'I should work hard to ensure good experiences happen, so while the negative ones are remembered more often, there will be such a plethora of good experiences, it'll be easier to remember them.'
Not placing the blame on "you only remember the bad things!" but rather actively working on making sure good things happen often and frequently enough, so that there's a fighting chance for the brain to recall the good more often than not.

I know that for my own self, I can tend to focus on the negative more.  And yes, because realistically, there's a lot more negative than positive these days.  But also, that's just part of my Eeyore personality.  Something that can't be helped naturally, but something I can actively work on fighting.
One thing that I've taken up again (which I used to do way way back in high school days) is something of a gratitude "journal."  Not really a journal in the traditional sense, but every day before I go to bed, I write the date, and then list three things that happened that day that I'm grateful for.  Surprisingly, this one small change in routine and habit has made a difference to the extent that I've noticed.  I find myself looking for the good more often than before.  To find things to be grateful for, in less-than-ideal situations when they come up.
It's not a huge life change, but the impact it has definitely makes it worth implementing.

One of the things I've learned on a deeper level this past year, is that people can't read my mind.  Whether that's my sister, or my husband, or the cashier at the store...I can't expect them to know what I'm thinking.  That means, when my husband does something and I'm thankful for it, I have to be intentional in saying "thank you."  Because yeah, duh, I'm thankful he did the dishes.  And while I know that I'm thankful, because I'm in my head, so yeah, it's obvious, he doesn't know that!  I have to communicate my gratitude to him.  So I am learning, and trying to remember to verbally say what I already assume is known in my head.
To be honest, I think this is where a large majority of miscommunication occurs.  We automatically assume people know what we're thinking, because since we're in our heads, we already know what we're thinking, so they must know too, right?  Wrong.  I always knew before that overcommunication is better than under-communication, but boy, you learn the truth of that shit on a whole new level when you're in a relationship. 
And this is something I'm still learning, and still working on.  Assume nothing.  Communicate everything.  You'll both be better off in the end when you do this.

The law of attraction is fake.
Your thoughts are real.
Be intentional on what you choose to think about, and where you aim your focus.
Be grateful.  For the small, mundane, every day things.  They're just as important as the big, once-in-a-lifetime things.
Don't assume.  Communicate.  Express your thanks for the things you see.

The end.