Friday 2 August 2019

Ignorance Is Bliss

Ignorance is bliss.

A cliché saying you hear growing up, only to realise its full truth when you're an adult.

I fully and willingly admit that I am more likely to actively choose ignorance over the potential of knowing information that could hurt me.

Why? you may ask.

It's not from wishing to remain nïeve or to be childish.  Rather, it's an approach of ensuring my mental health is taken care of.  The goal is not to be ignorant; the goal, instead, is to try to focus on things that are good.

Let me explain.

My head is my worst enemy.
My mind is constantly going, and I can never shut it off.  This, on top of depression - among other things - tires me out.
My mind is also more likely to fixate and obsess over bad or negative things.  (I haven't thought too much about this, but I'd conjecture it's due to trying to find a solution to fix the bad and make it good.)

So if my mind tends to focus on the negative, never shuts off, and is already tired out from merely existing, imagine how much more my brain gets overwhelmed with information that isn't so good.
Information I would have otherwise not known thanks to a state of ignorance.

I am not trying to be stupid.

I love learning, I love knowledge, I love continually growing and shifting my perspective of the world due to an increase in information.

But I also struggle with constant sadness and not drowning in darkness.

So to me, it makes sense to actively choose ignorance in certain areas, rather than find out the truth, and suffer [more than I already am] because of it.

We're commanded to take our thoughts captive (2 Corinthians 10:4-6).  For it is from our thoughts that our lives will ultimately act upon and reflect that which was first planted in our minds.  And if I choose to be ignorant, to not think or focus on the negative, in order to try to give my mind a little more space to reflect on that which is good, then yes.
I will choose ignorance.

Because I'd rather have a little more light and happiness in my life, in order to help fight off the already overwhelming darkness and gloom that clouds my mind.

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