Friday 23 March 2012

Today (22.3.2012)...

Has been crazy.

Last night I went to Bible Study at the Gents, because I had been looking forward to it ever since Spring Break began (Wednesday nights are the highlights of my week, usually). I then arrived home, ate dinner, and set in to working on catching up my reference book in order to turn it in for the test I had today in math, as well as double checking to make sure I knew what I needed to know to do well on the test.

At 2 a.m. I decided to take a "I'm gonna make chocolate chip cookie dough to eat!" break. That lasted for about 15 minutes, give or take a few. And then I went back to working on math things, listening to Leeland in the background, occasionally stopping to worship God and bask in His presence, and then continued math. I stayed up until 4.30 a.m.

Morning came, and I woke up at 8.30 a.m., which was admittedly tough to do. However, I (as always) immediately put on worship music, got my focus on God, and just instantaneously stepped into that place of relying on His strength (as I well should have, for this semester has been all about that), and not my own to sustain me.

{As always, He was faithful, and I felt quite rested and functional, despite the lack of sleep.}

I made it to the bus stop, took the bus to school, and took my math test (I did pretty well on it, though I don't have that "solid A" feeling like I had last time).

After math, I was in the library, composing a letter to a friend, posted my rendition of "To Shave or Not to Shave" on Tumblr, and met with my group members from my speech class to figure out some finalities of our project. I then wrote a little more, and caught the bus back to town.

As I was walking home from the bus stop, I was contacted by a kid I knew in Fort Bragg who now lives in town and was interested in going to Solid Rock (his cousin was with him as well). Running on four hours of sleep, and wanting to take a nap at home before starting on this evening's homework, I wasn't planning on going anywhere. But for the sake of being a friendly face in a crowd of unknown people, I decided to go to Solid Rock.

It's funny how Jesus just throws us in for a loop at times. I wasn't unhappy about this turn of events, and I knew that deciding to go was my choice. I also knew that it's what Jesus had in mind for me, and so I was happy to oblige. Walking home, running on four hours of sleep, basking in the glorious sunshine of today, and rejoicing that He knows what's best. I can't tell you how exceedingly happy I was to go to a place I didn't plan on going to for the sake of being a friend and risking going into the negetive levels of energy by being in a social setting.

{'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus <3}

I tried finding a ride, but it seemed like it wasn't going to work out. After having exhausted all my options, I was about to let my friend know that I wasn't able to make it, when he texted me, and said he wasn't going to be there this time around because he was going to do something with his family. I laughed. From the beginning, instead of being put out by a change of plans (and that's a biggie for me, because change and I are mortal enemies), I rejoiced in being able to live and follow God's plans, as opposed to my own. And in the end, it was really a test of obedience. Which I was happy to oblige.

I was able to take a nap (a necessity this semester, it seems), and then woke up feeling much more rested and being able to focus on tonight's homework.

All in all, God is incredible. I am so glad that I am in a place where I was willing to obey and follow Him at a moment's notice, as opposed to wanting to do my own thing. I am in awe that He has allowed me to rejoice in something that I saw as a trial (for in ways, it was).

{Every day is one day closer to becoming like Christ. And every day is filled with a deeper passion to live a life of holiness and purity.}

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