Thursday 18 July 2013


Has it really been a year?
One whole year?

How much has happened in such a short amount of time.
It feels like just yesterday you were still here.
But it wasn't.
Your spirit passed from this world 365 days ago.

I feel as if my world has taken a completely different turn since you left.
So many things have gone awry.
So many mistakes we've all made.

You prayed for us all.
Each and every one of us.
And it almost seems that because you aren't here to cover us with prayer, that so many mistakes have been made without your loving devotion.

My heart broke the day you died.
My eyes fill with tears every time I think about you.
And how I won't ever see you again.
Or hear your voice.
Or feel your hugs.
Or be the object of your prayers.

I wish I could have been with you the day you passed.
But I wasn't.
And that tears me apart.

How am I supposed to live?
I know I am.
But sometimes it seems to hard to want to try.
Knowing that I will never hear you again.
Or that future loved ones will never be able to meet you.

There is one thing I know.
That I was more than blessed to be able to call you family.
To have known you for as long as I did.
And to share memories with you.

And as painful as those memories are, at times.
I cherish them with all my heart.
Because it means I still have a bit of you with me wherever I am.

There isn't a day that passes where your absence isn't unnoticed.
My heart aches to hear you say my name one more time.
Just once.

I miss you.
You are in my heart forever.

"There's a grief that can't be spoken.
There's a pain goes on and on."

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