Sunday 1 May 2011

I Love Indians!

- You are immune to bondage, to the power of darkness, to backsliding.
- Don't go back to the old ways, but go out and win souls!
- What can separate us from the love of God?

On Friday night, I went to an international home fellowship.  It took place here in Oklahoma.  My sister has attended it for the past few years that she has gone to school here.  The majority of the people there were Indians.

The man who spoke was incredible.  He was the father of one of the regulars who attend the fellowship, and - I believe - was visiting from India.  This man was in direct alignment with God.  What he spoke hit home for reached the very depths of my soul.

If it has not been obvious, I've been struggling lately.  What with all the changes that have taken place in my life for the past few weeks, and not disciplining myself to keep my focus first and foremost on God, things have gone kind of downhill.  I allowed myself to fall back into old habits, old ways of thinking, old excuses - and I even fell back into resorting to cutting for wanting to feel in control.  And that, was wrong.

The man who spoke taught on grace and God's faithfulness.  Two themes that have run very deep within my life for the past half year at least.  The things he said were speaking to my heart in such a revolutionary way - Jesus placed me in the right place at the right time.

While he was talking, I realized something.  Even though I felt as though I had failed, that I possibly fell back and destroyed my delieverance, I knew that I hadn't.  How?  Well, it wasn't because I wasn't struggling with feeling as though I was struggling with depression again.  It was because of the evidence that I am no longer a "roller-coaster" Christian.  In the past, I would get excited about things, pumped up by circumstances or events.  But that excitement soon died for one reason or another.  Now, though, when things happen in my spiritual life that I get excited about, the excitement, the fervor, sticks.  It doesn't fade away.  And God was showing me that because of this so-obvious evidence, I have not fallen back.  That I am still free.

At the end of the talk, they had a time open for people who wanted prayer.  While a guy played guitar, the man who spoke stood and prayed for each person who came up.  After the first few people, I felt like I should go up to him; not only that, I knew I needed to.  I needed to.

And so, I did.  When I first went up there, the presence of God was strong.  So strong, in fact, that I felt like crying.  Then the man began praying for me.  And what he said - my God, what he said - was exactly from You.  It was exactly from my Father.  It was exactly what I needed to hear.

Some of the most vital things that he said, were these:
"Don't forget what you've been delievered from."
"Keep moving forward - don't fall backward."
"Stay in the will of God."
"Let praise come out of my mouth."

I couldn't hold back the tears.  When he finished praying, I headed back to my seat, and let the tears fall even more freely.  My sister, who was sitting next to me, rubbed my back as I sobbed.  As always, my Father proved to yet again be faithful as He always is.  My Father spoke to me exactly what I needed to hear, at the right time that I needed to hear it. 
I was encouraged.  I was reminded that He knows me.  I was comforted to hear His direct words being spoken to me.

I tell you, after having a lack of good, solid Christian fellowship and encouragement for a little over a month, it was good to be back in such an environment as that.  I am so grateful that God can work through whomever He choses to speak to His children.  That in the place when I felt the most weak, the most discouraged, the most lost, He reminded me that He knows me, is looking out for me, and loves me.

And I tell you, that is the most amazing thing in the world.

"If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself."
- 2 Timothy 2.13

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