Wednesday 25 September 2013


That's what I need.  Closure.

It's interesting; the affect that the rain has on me.  With the weather cooling slightly (ha!), and the days of autumn are here at last, we've had the typical autumn weather.  Rain, clouds, sunshine, rain and sunshine, clouds but no get the picture.

I love the rain, the way the clouds look so bold and playful simultaneously.  I love the cool night air, the way it smells, dancing into my memory and tugging at things that I am trying so hard to forget.  But at the same time, I hate it all.  Because it makes me nostalgic.  It makes my mind swirl and spin even more than it already is.  It brings back so many memories that are both beautiful and bittersweet.

This means, of course, that I am thinking about her.  And everything that she was in my life.  How much she was involved in it, and all the little tiny details that make up so much of what I miss now.

You know, Christmas is my favourite holiday, and while I can't wait for it to get here, I also just want to skip over it altogether and not have to deal with the absence of her presence.  No more plum cake in the fall, no more homemade applesauce from her kitchen, no more getting up early in the morning to go over to her house to help prepare the food for the family dinner.  No more hearing her voice, saying things that still gave away her German roots.  No more anything.

I was away when she died.
I wasn't here for the viewing of the open casket. (Not that I would have gone anyways.)
I missed her burial.
I haven't even visited her grave, and it's been over a year.

I didn't see her empty shell after her spirit left this world to be with our Creator.  I didn't get that sense of finalisation to know, just know, that she is gone.  And it drives me crazy that I never will.

Living without closure is a hard thing.  Living with the absence of people you love is painful.  Not being able to tell people just how much you love them with words from your lips is terrible.

Make no mistake.  If you love people, love them freely.  Show them.  Don't just say the words.  Actions speak louder then words, and we all know that.  Speak to them, spend time with them, give them gifts, hold them, listen to it all with full abandon.  I know to say that life is short is a huge cliche, but it really is.  David states in Psalms that "life is but a vapor."  And it is.  Why be afraid or ashamed to show how much you love someone?  Why?  So often we wish we knew where we stood with people, that we could be confident in their affections for us (friendship or romantically-wise), and while we hope and think the best, deep down we still feel unsure.  But if these people showed us all the time how much they loved us with the things they said and did, we would have no doubt in our minds.  So why don't we do this for the people in our lives that we love?  Show them our love for them so much that there would be no place for doubt in their minds, and they would know that we love them sincerely.

That's what I try to do.  Sometimes the things I say sound like flattery, but I really am just trying to show that person that they are better and more incredible then they think.  And what I say, I mean.  I won't let myself feel ashamed of being passionate about the people in my life.  I love them.

And that, is that.


  1. Jeremy Siemer25/9/13 16:42

    I am looking forward to meeting Grandma Bietz in Heaven!


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