Sunday 8 September 2019

Small Things

"It's the little things."

This is a phrase that gets tossed around so much (that's what she said), that, like most phrases often repeated, it looses its meaning.

But I'm not writing about that.

Here's what I am writing about:

How I struggle with depression every single day.  How my more realistic and "down to earth" mindset and approach to life, is seen by others as pessimistic.  How I've been told that I need to look on the bright side, find the silver lining, have hope, be more optimistic, etc. etc. etc.

But the thing is, is that I do look on the bright side.  I may not utter every thought I have out loud (otherwise I would constantly be talking, nonstop, all day long), but I do look on the bright side of things.  For example: almost out of cream?  Well, there's enough left for one more cup of coffee!  Not enough ingredients because I forgot to buy something at the store?  Time to make cooking fun and improvise!  The love of my life is gone for the next two weeks?  Well, at least it's only two weeks and not seven months!

Contrary to popular belief, I try to find the good in things.  Admittedly, sometimes it's a struggle, but I try.

Again, getting off topic.  Sheesh.

The reason I'm writing this post, is to speak about how small things bring me joy.

Partially by nature, partially by nurture (turns out being the youngest and getting ignored your whole life will potentially make you easily pleased), it doesn't take a lot to please me.  I've told people this before, but if I'm feeling down, take me out for a walk.  I am literally like a dog.  You take me out for a walk (when sometimes I can't force myself out of the house) and it will cheer me up. 

The smallest things make me so happy and bring me so much joy.  Much more joy, than expensive things or big, grand gestures could ever hope to bring.

The crisp air of an autumn morning.
A perfectly made cup of tea.
A really good cup of coffee.
Going for a walk.
A good smelling candle.
Feeding people food I've made.
Cooking for people.
A new recipe I tried turning out to perfection.
Friends sending me a picture they took because they know I'll love it.
A book that I can't put down.

The list goes on.

My point is, it really is the small things.  I don't find joy or happiness in the grandiose.  I find it in the small, everyday habits and moments in my life.  My morning cup of coffee.  Praying with the love of my life.  Making the love of my life laugh with the silly things I do.  (Confession: sometimes they're done on purpose, simply to get him to laugh.  Oh how I love his laugh!)  Stopping to smell a rose I happen to pass by on my way somewhere.  Smelling citrus-y fruit in the grocery store.  Going "!!!!!" on the inside when the clouds are fluffy and beautiful.

I forget this so easily.  But I remember it, too, in the moments when these things happen.  It's all about finding what brings you joy, and appreciating those moments when they happen.

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