Wednesday 6 July 2011

Twenty Questions - By Elisabeth Elliot

About a month or so back I read "Let Me Be A Woman" by Elisabeth Elliot. This book is amazing in every sense of the word. Due to certain events, and just life in general, really, my mind had been on the wonders and mysteries of marriage, roles of husband and wife, etc. I guess I had always had some idea of what I thought my role would be as a wife - these ideas being shaped by the home environment I was raised in, the different influences that pressed upon me in my life, and so many other ways. I don't really have the same views, and some have definitely changed quite drastically, whilst others not-so-much. But in her book, Elliot posed these twenty questions to her daughter Val when she (Val) had been trying to define and sort out her feelings when she was in a pretty deep relationship with her now-present fiancé. I think they're good questions to ponder if a person is looking into entering a relationship (or is in one) and needs help in regards to sorting out some of the questions in their mind.

1) Is this the man you want to spend the rest of your life with? That's every day of every week of every month of every year from now till one of you dies.

2) Is he:
    punctual or habitually late?
    orderly or disorderly?
    a reader or a TV watcher?
    an outdoor man or an indoor man?

3) Does he:
    like your family?
    treat you as you think a woman out to be treated?
    have men friends?
    have approximately the same education you have?
    like the kind of food you like to cook?
    come from a home similar to yours?
    like your friends?
    like to entertain, and would you be proud to have him as a host at the
    other end of the table?
    laugh at the same jokes you do?

4) Can you agree on:
    children and their training?
    your respective roles in the home?

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